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Saturday, 22 February 2014

Bits and bobs

I did make it to the jumble sale today, and it was heaving with people. It took quite a bit of effort to wiggle my way through to have a rummage in the textiles.  I did find several pieces of unused fabric, plus an assortment of napkins and crocheted doilies that I need to sort through. I also got some books including: vintage M & S cookery books, a book on Turner in the North with wonderful paintings, and a quaint little old book suitable for altered art. And a couple of bits of pretty vintage china. I then popped into Morpeth to get Stephen's paper and a pad of watercolour paper for me from W.H. Smith; a quick visit to a charity shop where I'd parked the car netted me some unused dress fabric at a price that makes it suitable to experiment on. So, all in all a successful day so far.

I also printed a scanned image of a piece of woven paper onto some Polaroid canvas fabric printer paper (3 sheets in a pack from Poundland). I then sewed the lines with a zigzag stitch on the sewing machine. It looks like a small patchwork quilt, and is going on the board for my C&G coursework.  I've included a photo: 

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